May 30, 2024

How To Become A Cosmetology Instructor In Michigan

Cosmetology Instructor

After you have been a cosmetologist for a while, you might be thinking about the next step in your career. There are options, such as managing a salon or learning specialist skills. Another option is to become a cosmetology instructor. Cosmetology instructors help young people get their license and learn to do a good job, keeping the industry healthy and giving potential career opportunities to others.

Teaching can be a rewarding way to give back to your industry while advancing your own career. However, like many things in beauty, you can’t just decide to be an instructor and start doing it. You need to do continuing education and become certified as a cosmetology instructor. Here is some information on how to become a cosmetology instructor in Michigan.

Educational Requirements

First of all, you have to be a licensed cosmetologist in good standing in the state of Michigan, and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Then, you have to undergo at least 500 hours of instructor training. If you are thinking of practicing or working in Indiana, you need 1,000 hours.

This training has to take place at an accredited school. You also have to pass an approved theory exam at a PSI test center. This is a 150-minute exam. You can potentially also take it remotely.

You can be issued a limited cosmetology instructor license if you meet the educational requirements, meaning you can teach under supervision.

Experience Requirements

In order to get a full cosmetology instructor license in Michigan, you need at least three years of practical experience in the following: Hair care services, natural hair cultivation, skin care services, and manicuring services. At least one year of this has to be in a cosmetology establishment.

We strongly recommend meeting these experience requirements before enrolling in the instructor course. The best teachers can be the ones with solid real-world experience. Some beauty schools require this experience and others, like Moored Beauty School, require professional and character references.

Three years should be seen as the minimum. You may find that getting work as an instructor requires more than the minimum of professional experience, although getting your instructors’ qualification can also position you to be a better mentor to your newer coworkers. Given the cosmetology establishment requirement, if you are planning on becoming an instructor, that should be the first job you seek out. Avoid more specialist establishments that might not count towards that year until you have it under your belt.

The more varied your experience, the better. You need to cover all of the required areas and that might involve some moving around to ensure that you are a well-rounded cosmetologist (note that niche specialists can be licensed to instruct in just that area with a smaller number of hours, but it can be more beneficial in your career outlook as an all-round instructor).

Make sure that all of your work experience is properly recorded. Tell your employers you are considering getting an instructors’ qualification and need your employment records so that nothing is lost or forgotten. They also make great personal references if you need them.

Certification and Licensing

In order to get your cosmetology instructor license in Michigan, you need to:

  • Pay the application fee, currently $63. If you pass, this will cover your license fee for 2 years.
  • Submit to a good moral character check, which basically means not having been convicted of a crime related to the occupation, or having been sued by anyone, unless rehabilitated.
  • Possess a high school diploma or equivalent, and be ready to provide proof
  • Have a cosmetology license in Michigan
  • Complete at least 500 hours of instructor training
  • Demonstrate three years of practical experience.
  • Pass the approved theory examination. The fee for this is currently $93.

Typically, if you meet all the cosmetology instructor requirements, you will get your license when you pass the exam and pay all the associated fees. The procedure is not dissimilar from that for getting your license in the first place. Yes, you can retest if you fail, but you will have to pay the testing fee again. Practice tests are available.

Career Benefits

Becoming a cosmetology instructor has numerous benefits. It’s a good next step for experienced cosmetologists who enjoy explaining about their work to others, who have teaching experience in other fields, or who simply want to pay things forward.

Some cosmetologists work as full time instructors. Others work at a beauty school part time while continuing their cosmetology business. Cosmetology teaches can also rise through the hierarchy and work on curriculum design and even teaching other instructors. 

Cosmetology instructors might also work as educational consultants, mentoring working cosmetologists in salons and spas. They may work as product reps, leveraging their teaching schools to teach others about the benefits of a product or products. Some may get to travel and speak at events. You might also go to events to represent your school and attract students.

The state board exams are also graded by cosmetology instructors, meaning you can play a role in ensuring the quality of up and coming cosmetologists in Michigan. Finally, some vocational or public high schools hire cosmetology instructors to give interested teenagers a head start getting into the field.

And, again, you don’t necessarily have to stop being a working cosmetologist. In fact, keeping a toe in can help you be a better teacher. Those who can’t teach might be a saying, but it’s very true that those who can teach better.

Becoming a cosmetology instructor in Michigan is worth it. In order to do so, you have to undergo 500 hours of cosmetology instructor training and have at least three years of professional experience.

Moored Beauty School offers training that can allow you to have your instructors’ license in as little as three months if you study full time. You could learn theories and practice, effective teaching techniques, and develop the personal qualities needed to be a successful teacher. Contact Moored or your local campus to find out how you can become a cosmetology instructor and move forward in your career.



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